How Does it Work?
We received the question: how does the BLOKspot work? The BLOKspot utilizes an NFC (near field communication) chip which uses the same technology as Apple Pay.
Consumers tap their phone to the BLOKspot and their phone will prompt them with the message: Website NFC Tag, Open “” in Safari. The message looks like this on an iPhone:
When the consumer taps or opens the message they are directed to a website that connects them to the manufacturer or brand. Here’s an example of what a customer sees when they click the Open message on their phone:
Typically, brands connect with customers by asking for their first name, last name, and email address.
We also ask for customer’s permission for communication. We provide this information back to the brand, which allows brands to communicate with customers providing warranty updates, coupon codes, free samples or demos, information on other products and anniversaries. Our experience shows that thoughtful gifts are well received by customers that connect. For example, if a customer purchases a jersey, providing them with an offer of a free pretzel while attending a game excites and delights the customer!
As a customer experience, it is easy and seamless.
On the backend, the customer is scanning an NFC chip linked to an NFT blockchain record authenticating the item, which is encrypted to NIST government standards. The customer has a cool brand experience, and the brand connects seamlessly!
Next week we will show a video of the BLOKspot in action.
Thank you for reading and have a great week!